Friday, February 4, 2011

A couple changes....

I decided to add a couple small additions to our dining room and master bedroom!!
When we bought the house this is what the dining room had for curtains (ivy!!! seriously sorry just alittle too 90s for my taste :) ):

Almost After: (added a layer of red polka dots to the stock cherry/gingham curtains)(the valance is actually a red gingham sheet I cut up)


I added some red/white polka dot ribbon to the dining room curtains. (this picture was taken by my 6 yr.old son as I am 11 days from delivery date and didn't feel like getting up one more time)

The dresser

Almost After:

I sanded it down, primed it with some Kilz green tinted primer, painted it with a bright white paint (shermin williams westinghouse white) then distressed a little and added some .79cent new knobs.


I added some Uppercase Living floral squares that match the canvas squares above the bed.

When we first put the bed into our Master Bedroom:

Almost After:
Our Board and Batten Wall in our Bedroom I changed last Valentines Day 2010


Wake me with a Kiss Addition and two small floral squares that are also the same size that are on the dresser (it was a large package that had 5 large floral patterns and 10 small squares)AND the 5 large squares put on canvas....
Did you notice that I made the Kiss in a different color I think it looks nice but what do you think?



  1. Hi Fawn!
    Great before and afters! Looks like you've been busy, it's almost addicting isn't it?!

  2. Thanks!! It is DEFINENTLY addicting!! and LOVE your blog Lindsey!!!

  3. I love the Wake Me with a Kiss! So cute.... love the red cafe curtains!

  4. How fresh the green and white looks! Love your decor style ups!

  5. Thank you, Erika, Terry and Ann!! I really appreciate you taking the time to look at my before and afters!!

  6. Fawn,
    Love, love, love that board and batten on the master wall. We have talked about doing something like that. And the "wake me with a kiss" is so sweet! Did you free hand that?

  7. Kim, do the board and batten, it is soooo simple!! and such a beautiful accent!! The wake me with a kiss is an Uppercase Living vinyl expression that I custom did on my website with them...
